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Aulos Ensemble, Postponed to May 21, 2021

Aulos Ensemble—The Farewell Tour! - May 21, 2021

Aulo EnsembleBack for their fourth and final appearance on the BCMS, Aulos members Christopher Krueger, transverse flute; Marc Schachman, ba¬roque oboe; Linda Quan, baroque violin; Myron Lutzke, baroque cello; and the indomitable harpsichordist Arthur Haas have decided to go out with a bang (and not a whimper). If this means re-scheduling this trip for late May 2021 depending on pandemic conditions in early October, they can and will do it. They will bring us the cream of the French baroque music that has been their mainstay over 48 years.

Formed in 1973 by five Juilliard graduates, The Aulos Ensemble was at the forefront of a movement that captured the imagina¬tion of the American listening public. In 1978 with the release of their recording, Masterpieces of the High Baroque, Aulos’ rep¬utation for exhilarating performances informed with scholarly insight was firmly established. Aulos brought an uncompro¬mising standard of excellence in performance that resulted in invitations from virtually all of America’s major chamber music presenters. This exposure helped create a new audience aware¬ness for the rich rewards of this repertoire performed on “period instruments,” and comments such as “scintillating,” “virtuosic,” and “authentic baroque performance at its best” from Amer¬ica’s most respected music critics. Aulos Ensemble’s own Youtube channel is full of beautiful performances.

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